Scipeáil chuig ábhar

9.45am, Mondays from 2 September to 7 October 2024

Yoga in the Courtyard

Join Edel Reilly in the Courtyard Workshop Room for a six-week yoga class, starting on Monday, 2 September 2024.

This Monday morning gentle yoga class continues until Monday, 7 October 2024. A new course will then start in November. 

For information on costs and booking a place - contact Edel Reilly on (083) 8287396.


Yoga in the Courtyard suite ag:
Páirc Thurlaigh,
Caisleán an Bharraigh,
Co Mhaigh Eo
F23 HY31

Join Edel Reilly for a yoga class in the Courtyard on Monday mornings

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Coinnigh suas chun dáta

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Saol na Tuaithe

Páirc Thurlaigh,
Caisleán an Bharraigh,
Co Mhaigh Eo,
F23 HY31

+353 94 903 1755