Raids and Reprisals - IRA Raids
Destroyed train wagons, Kingsbridge Station (Heuston), Dublin, 1921
Destroyed train wagons, Kingsbridge Station (Heuston), Dublin, 1921
Scene at Kingsbridge Station (Heuston), Dublin, where wagon loads of Military Stores, including guns and ammunition had been held up in the Goods Department as a result of a Railway Strike, 1921. This photograph shows one week later - the remains of the wagons after a raid by armed men who held up the guard, took rifles and burned the wagons. Photograph by press photographer Joseph Cashman.
Destroyed train wagons, Kingsbridge Station (Heuston), Dublin, 1921 suite ag:
In Storage
An déantán roimhe seo:
Leaflet threatening reprisals by British Forces on Kilfinane, Co. Limerick, February 1921
An chéad déantán eile:
Funeral for men of 1st Battalion, Cork No. 1 Brigade, March 1921