Scipeáil chuig ábhar

Internment, Imprisonment and Escape - Ballykinlar

Internees’ Chapel, Ballykinlar Internment Camp, 1920-1921

Internees’ Chapel, Ballykinlar Internment Camp, 1920-1921

Photograph showing a view of the altar of the internees’ chapel at Ballykinlar Internment Camp. 
This photograph is one of a set taken by an internee, Frank McKay, who smuggled a camera into the camp without the knowledge of the British authorities. This was arranged by Joe McGrath, who also had a typewriter smuggled in at the same time.


Internees’ Chapel, Ballykinlar Internment Camp, 1920-1921 suite ag:
In Storage

An déantán roimhe seo:

Group of internees, Ballykinlar Internment Camp, 1920-1921

An chéad déantán eile:

Kildare Brigade, IRA, Ballykinlar Internment Camp, 1920-1921

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