Scipeáil chuig ábhar

Irish Language Scheme

  Chapter 1: Introduction and Background 


  1. Introduction 


The Official Languages Act 2003 provides for the preparation by public bodies of a language scheme detailing the services which they will provide: 


  • through the medium of Irish, 

  • through the medium of English, and 

  • through the medium of Irish and English 


and the measures to be adopted to ensure that any service not currently provided by the body through the medium of the Irish language will be so provided within an agreed timeframe. 


In accordance with section 14(3) of the Act, language schemes remain in force for a period of 3 years or until such time as a new scheme is confirmed by the Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht, whichever is the later. 



1.2 Preparation and Content of the Scheme  


In the preparation of this scheme, due regard has been given to the Guidelines issued by the Department of Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht.  In addition, there has been a comprehensive process of consultation with relevant stakeholders.  


The National Museum of Ireland is guided by the principle that the provision of Irish language services should be based on: 


  • the level of demand for specific services in the Irish language, 

  • the importance of a proactive approach to the provision of such services, and  

  • the resources, including human and financial resources, and the capacity of the body concerned to develop or access the necessary language capability.  


This scheme complements the principles of Quality Customer Service and our Customer Charter. It has been formulated with the intention of ensuring that all relevant obligations under the Official Languages Act by the National Museum of Ireland will be fully addressed on an incremental basis, through this and future schemes. 


Only applicable to public bodies with previous confirmed schemes 


This Scheme is predicated on all of the commitments in any previous scheme having been implemented. In the event of commitments in earlier schemes not having been fully implemented to date, this matter has been the subject of discussion with the Office of An Coimisinéir Teanga.  


The time and effort put in by all concerned in this process is acknowledged and appreciated. 


1.3 Commencement date of the Scheme 


This Scheme has been confirmed by the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. It commences with effect from 21st October 2020 and shall remain in force for a period of 3 years or until a new scheme has been confirmed, whichever is the later. 




Chapter 2: Overview of the National Museum of Ireland 

The origins of the National Museum of Ireland lie with the enactment of the Dublin Science and Art Museum Act, 1877. This led to the transfer of the buildings and collections of the Royal Dublin Society (R.D.S.) to state ownership. These were further enhanced by the transfer of other notable collections from institutions such as the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity College Dublin. The Dublin Museum of Science and Art was renamed the National Museum of Ireland in the early twentieth century. 

The National Museum of Ireland today consists of five separate museum sites: The National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin; The National Museum of Ireland - Decorative Arts and History, Collins Barracks, Dublin; the National Museum of Ireland - Natural History, Merrion Street, Dublin; The National Museum of Ireland - Country Life, Castlebar, Co. Mayo and the National Museum of Ireland - Collections Resource Centre, Swords, Co. Dublin. 

On 3 May 2005 under the National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997, the National Museum became a body corporate with a Board appointed by the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism. The Board has certain responsibilities under the Act in relation to the Irish language, i.e. 


Under section 11(2) (L) of the National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997, one of the powers of the Board to enable it to perform its functions under section 11, is to foster and promote the Irish language in the course of the performance of its functions. 


Section 30(1) of the Act provides in relation to staff appointments by the Board that an adequate number of the staff should be competent in the Irish language so as to provide service though Irish as well as English. The National Museum provides services through the medium of Irish across all its areas of operation. During the period of this Scheme there will be a significant increase in the level of Irish language service provided, particularly relating to online and interactive content.   


Section 36(1) of the Act provides that the annual report to be prepared and submitted by the Board to the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism shall be in both the English and Irish languages. 


The role of the National Museum of Ireland is extensive but the following core elements may be selected as fundamental: 


  • Securing the portable heritage of Ireland 

  • Facilitating study of the objects in the collections 

  • Communicating information relating to the collections and the disciplines they represent  


Along with other National Cultural Institutions, the Museum has primary responsibility at a national level for ensuring the security of objects which reflect Ireland’s heritage. In practice this involves the accumulation of collections of such objects and their safe keeping in perpetuity. The principal point of access for the public to the collections is through exhibitions. Objects are also available for study either by Museum staff or researchers and the results of that research come to be made available in publications, in the mass media or in academic papers.  


2.1  Mission and Objectives  

In light of its mandate, the Museum’s vision is:  

The National Museum of Ireland’s vision is for a museum of international quality and standing, rightly positioned and valued at the forefront of Ireland’s cultural life, by preserving and presenting the stories of Ireland and its place in the world. We will navigate the delivery of this strategic plan through a deep commitment to our organisational values. These five values provide the principles by which we deliver our mission and vision, how we welcome our visitors, conduct our research, produce exhibitions, and fulfil our statutory and corporate responsibilities. 



We are responsible for the professional care and interpretation of the national collections, informed by rigorous research, scholarship and staff expertise. 



We aim to increase our capacity to share our collections across physical and online platforms, exploring innovative ways of collaborating across education, research, arts and humanities, museum studies, economic development and science. 





We strive to deal openly with all and operate strong corporate governance and compliance principles. We hold the collections on behalf of the people of Ireland and we provide a lens for our visitors to gain perspectives on the future while enhancing understanding of our past. 



 We are for everyone. We will ensure our collections and activities are wide-reaching and will seek to engage new audiences. We aim to provide universal access across all our sites and services. 



We will work with organisations and communities to maximise our impact and increase our interaction at local, national and international level. 


2.2  Main Functions 


The functional areas of the Museum comprise: 


  • Directorate 


  • Operations Division 

  • HR/Corporate Affairs Unit 

  • Finance Unit 

  • Information Communication Technology 

  • Marketing Department 

  • Facilities Department 

  • Commercial Development Unit 

  • Retail 


  • Collections & Learning Division 

  • Art and Industrial Division 

  • Irish Antiquities Division 

  • Irish Folklife Division 

  • Natural History Division 

  • Conservation Department 

  • Registration Department 

  • Education and Outreach Department 

  • Photographic Department 

  • Design Department 


Further information on the activities of the Museum is contained in the Museum’s website –


2.3  Customers and Clients   


The delivery of services and outcome of policies and strategies pursued by the Museum ultimately impact on a wide array of people. The Museum’s main client and customer base comprises: 


  • General Public 


  • Overseas and Domestic Tourists 


  • Specialist Visitors  


  • Researchers  


  • Special Needs Groups 


  • Families  


  • Formal Education Sector (Primary to Third level) 


  • Informal Education Sector 


  • Online audiences 





Chapter 3: Details of services currently being provided in English only, in Irish only or bilingually 

Please indicate which language your services are provided through, including services in Gaeltacht areas. 


Provision of Services 

 (Please tick the relevant box) 



Name of Service 



In English Only 


In Irish only 



Annual Reports 




National Museum of Ireland Strategic Plan 2019-22 




Permanent exhibition text panels and labels 




Temporary exhibition labels when generated from within the National Museum of Ireland 




Orientation signs 





Certain exhibition brochures / leaflets 





Guidebooks to each of the four museums 





Current postcards and greeting cards 





Headed Museum Stationary 





Invitations to exhibition openings and Museum functions/ Press releases 





Designated Museums Brochure 





Close-down announcements in Museum of Country Life, Kildare Street and Collins Barracks 





Floor plan visitor brochures to all sites 





Recruitment notices for external posts 




Application forms for licences to alter and licences to export archaeological objects 





Licences to alter and licences to export archaeological objects issued by the Board of the National Museum of Ireland under the terms of the National Monuments Acts, 1930 to 2004 





Short Guide to the National Monuments (Amendment) Act, 1994 





Library and Archive Consultation Forms (Museum of Country Life) 





Educational Discovery and Activity Sheets 





Language Interface Packs for Irish language versions of Windows XP are available to all members of staff. 





Guided Tours at some NMI sites 




Public talks during Seachtain na Gaeilge 







Chapter 4: Enhancing the provision of Irish Language Services 

The provisions shaded in grey in the table below are mandatory requirements under the Official Languages Act 2003. 

Means of communication 

 with the public 



Recorded Oral Announcements 


The following recorded oral announcements will be in Irish or bilingual:  


(a) Recorded oral announcements provided on the telephone when the offices of the public body are closed;  


(b)  Recorded oral announcements transmitted by a public address system;  


(c)  Recorded oral announcements created and transmitted by means of a computerised messaging system or a computerised telephone answering system. 


This provision relates to 'recorded' announcements rather than 'live announcements'. 


Where a Placenames Order is in force, a public body is required to use the Irish language version of the placename specified in that Order in recorded oral announcements made by it or on its behalf. 


























Written Communication 







Letters and Electronic Mail 

All written communication will be responded to in the official language in which it was received. 



Headings of stationery, including notepaper, compliment slips, fax cover sheets, file covers and other folders, labels and envelopes are provided in Irish or bilingually. 





All signage placed by the National Museum of Ireland or on its behalf must be in Irish or bilingually, in accordance with the regulations (S.I. No.391/2008). 





Documents setting out public policy proposals, audited accounts or financial statements, annual reports and strategy statements will be published simultaneously in Irish and English. 



Where a public body communicates in writing or by electronic mail with the general public or a class of the general public for the purpose of furnishing information to the public or the class, the body shall ensure that the communication is in the Irish language or in the English and Irish languages. 


An Ghaeltacht 



Gaeltacht Placenames 

The official placenames of Gaeltacht areas will be used by the public body in accordance with the legislation. 



The National Museum of Ireland will also undertake the following lists of actions under each service.  


Means of communication with the public 



By end Yr 1/  

Yr 2 / Yr 3 


Reception/Face to Face/Counter Service 

Staff who operate Reception spaces across NMI are assigned on a rota basis by the Facility Officers. They will be briefed on how to deal with Irish language enquiries and will be provided with a list of staff willing to answer oral queries in Irish. A bilingual enquiry form will be made available for follow up-action, if an Irish speaking member of staff is not available. 

Irish language courses will be made available to VSO staff. 

End of Year 1 


Telephonist will name the body in Irish and English. As per above, a course will be provided for switchboard staff in appropriate language skills. 

End of Year 1 

Recorded Oral Announcements 

Bilingual close down announcements in place at all sites. 

   In place  

Live announcements 

All live announcements will be bilingual.  

End of Year 1 


Guided Tours 

Interviews for Tour Guides to take place for a panel of freelance guides in the Museum. Fluency in the Irish Language is sought. The Museum will promote the availability of Irish language tours to Irish language schools and organisations. 

End of Year 1 


Public Educational Programming 

Will continue to have occasional Irish/ bilingual storytelling workshops. 

Irish language versions of certain educational resources for students and teachers have been made available.   

In place 

Information Leaflets/ Brochures 

Irish Language versions of official policies and forms will be made available. 

Certain exhibition brochures / leaflets are bilingual. 

End of Year 1  



In place 

Application Forms 

Irish version application forms for all external positions are posted on the website. 


In place  



Discovery of Archaeological Object Form 

Bilingual versions made available online. 

End of Year 1 



Education Booking Form 

A new booking system is currently being developed. Irish content will be provided. 

End of Year 1 



Educational Worksheets 

Irish language versions of any of the more popular work sheets that are not already in Irish made available. 


Develop online activities across four sites that will be included in new ‘Museum At Home’ section of the new website. 


In place 


Press Releases 

Press releases issued bilingually. 

In place  

Media Spokespersons 

Irish Language Training to be provided for NMI staff and specific spokespersons will be nominated.  

Year 2 


Introductions to all official speeches are currently conducted through Irish. 

In place  




Information Technology 





All emails will be responded to in the official language in which it was received. 



End of Year 1 


The NMI website has been redeveloped and designed and was launched on 21 April 2020.  

All static material is bilingual including the Calendar of Events where the static material is bilingual. 

In place 

Computer Systems 



Interactive Services 

New audio-visual presentations will be bilingual wherever practically possible.  


New exhibition interactives will be bilingual wherever practically possible. 

In place  















Chapter 5: Enhancing the Provision of Irish Language Services in Gaeltacht Areas 


Enhancing the provision of Irish language services in Gaeltacht areas and ensuring that Irish becomes the working language in offices located in Gaeltacht areas by a certain date. 


Commitments in Gaeltacht Areas 


Description of services in Gaeltacht areas  



By end Yr 1/  

Yr 2 / Yr 3 





























Irish as the working language in Gaeltacht offices 




By end Yr 1/  

Yr 2 / Yr 3 















Chapter 6: Improving Language Capability 


6.1 Recruitment   


The recruitment of staff with the appropriate level of competence in the Irish language in each area of work of the National Museum of Ireland will be the primary means of optimising the availability of services through Irish.  Our recruitment policy, which is subject to the framework of agreed national recruitment procedures, will have regard to the need to improve Irish language capability. 


All new staff will be provided with an induction pack containing a copy of our agreed scheme in order to ensure that they are made aware of our commitments under the legislation.   


6.2 Training and Development 


The National Museum of Ireland, is committed to making opportunities available for staff to attend appropriately accredited Irish language training courses, as resources permit.  All staff will be advised of facilities/opportunities to improve their competency in Irish.  






By end Yr 1/  

Yr 2 / Yr 3 

Improving Irish Language Capability 


The National Museum of Ireland provides that competency in the Irish language is a desirable skill in the recruitment process. We will also identify any positions for which Irish language skills should be considered essential. 



An appropriate Irish language training course for staff wishing to improve their Irish language skills will be provided. 


Participation in language promotion activities /Provision of resources 

The Museum will promote the availability of Irish language tours to Irish language schools and organisations.  


Every effort will be made to promote the use of the Irish language. 


The Education Department will consult with Irish language schools and with Foras na Gaeilge in relation to the Museum’s Irish language service. 





 6.3 Designated Irish Language Posts 


The posts listed below have been designated as having an Irish language competency requirement.  It is the intention that holders of these posts will have achieved a proficiency in the Irish Language.  


Title of Post 



Gaeltacht/Irish speaking community served 

Indication of standard of Irish required (choose from basic, intermediate or advanced) 


National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History, 

Collins Barracks, Dublin 7 



Head of Collections & Learning 

National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History, 

Collins Barracks, Dublin 7 



Head of Operations 

National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History, 

Collins Barracks, Dublin 7 



Corporate Affairs Manager 

National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History, 

Collins Barracks, Dublin 7 




Across four NMI sites 



Assistant Keeper Grade I 

Across four NMI sites 



Assistant Keeper Grade II 

Across four NMI sites 



Education Department 

Across four NMI sites 



Designated HR/Corporate Affairs Unit Staff 

National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History, 

Collins Barracks, Dublin 7 



Designated Marketing Staff 

National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History, 

Collins Barracks, Dublin 7 



Visitor & Security Officers 

Across four NMI sites 




Across four NMI sites 






Irish Language Capability 


Having regard to Government policy for enhanced provision of services in Irish, the Department will, by the end of year one of the scheme, identify any posts for which Irish language competency is an essential requirement.  Every effort will be made to fulfil these requirements by the end of this scheme having regard to recruitment, promotion and training policies, as appropriate.  This will enable this Department to plan and prioritise the incremental improvement of services in Irish in a more strategic manner.  


Chapter 7: Monitoring and Review 


The implementation of the scheme will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis by the HR/Corporate Affairs Unit.  The contact person for the scheme will be Aoife McBride, Corporate Affairs Manager.   


A formal system for monitoring requests for services through Irish will be available and recorded in our Annual Report.   



Chapter 8: Publicising of Agreed Scheme 

This scheme will be publicised both internally and externally, through a press release initially. A bilingual version of the scheme will be made available on our website and circulated to all staff and appropriate agencies.  Other means to publicise the scheme may also be used. 


In addition, we will take every opportunity in our day to day interaction with customers to promote and publicise the services we provide in Irish through the following means: 


  • directly informing customers on a proactive basis of the option of conducting business with us through Irish, for example, by the display of notices at reception areas indicating the Irish language services that are available; 


  • prominently listing these services on our website;  


  • signifying on selected guidelines, leaflets and application forms that these documents are also available in Irish, unless presented bilingually;  


  • giving equal prominence to Irish and English language materials. 


 A copy of the agreed scheme will be forwarded to the Office of An Coimisinéir Teanga. 

View a pdf version of this policy





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