Scipeáil chuig ábhar

Gender Equality Policy



APPROVED BY: Lynn Scarff Director 



Policy No 4 



REVIEW DATE: 23.4.21 


1 Introduction 


1.1 Statement of Commitment 

National Museum of Ireland, (NMI), is committed to supporting gender equality. 

The employees at NMI represent a talented and diverse workforce. In January 2018 the NMI staff overall profile was: 

  • Sanctioned posts are represented by 50.3% women and 49.7% men 

  • The Board is represented by 50% female and 50% male 

NMI will strive to identify any obstacles to full participation in employment at NMI and take action to redress these as appropriate. 

NMI strives to be an inclusive employer of choice in the Arts and Cultural Community and will seek to accommodate diversity in employment where practicable. 

NMI is committed to non-discrimination for employees and visitors in relation to gender grounds specified in equality legislation (please see 1.3 legislation below). 


1.2 Scope 


 This policy applies to how NMI interacts with: 


• all employees, all applicants for employment and all those who work on behalf of NMI (e.g. agency staff, volunteers, interns and those on work experience of any form) and relates to all areas of employment practice including recruitment and selection, training and development, career progression, promotion, pay and employment conditions. 


• all members of the public, clients, visitors, customers, facilitators and relates to all services provided by NMI in its diverse activities both internal and external.  


1.3 Legislation 

This policy is developed in the context of distinct pieces of legislation which directly address equality, focusing on gender and also other grounds of discrimination.  

  • The Employment Equality Acts 1998 and 2004 address discrimination within employment (including recruitment and promotion) across nine grounds: gender, civil status, family status, age, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and membership of the Traveller community. Most employment issues are dealt with by these Acts, including dismissal, equal pay, harassment and sexual harassment, working conditions, promotion, and access to employment. 

  • The Equalities Act 2006 places obligations on public bodies to eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment in relation to gender and to promote equality of opportunity between men and women. 

  • Maternity Protection Acts 1994 and 2004,  

  • The Adoptive Leave Act 1995,  

  • Parental Leave Acts 1998 and 2006. 

  • Carer’s Leave Act 2001.  

This policy reflects NMI’s commitment to meet its obligations under all the aforementioned Acts, and also to be proactive in promoting gender equality in the spirit of Acts. 


1.4 The case for gender equality 

Gender equality is anchored in our NMI values. NMI is committed to recruiting and retaining the most talented employees and to ensuring that its employees reach their full potential. The promotion of gender equality does not give one gender a greater voice or say than the other – on the contrary, it encourages all to contribute to NMI.  

The term ‘gender’ refers to any persons own identification of their gender. 

Implementing this policy is key to NMI’s success as a National Cultural Institution.  


1.5 Embedding the Policy 

NMI seeks to embed gender equality in its planning processes so as to ensure that a gender equality perspective is incorporated into all NMI activities and policies.  


2. Implementing 


2.1 Responsibility 

Overall responsibility for gender equality issues lies with the Director of NMI and with the Head of Human Resources for workforce issues. The Director’s reports to the Board will include an update on gender equality measures twice yearly.  

Line Managers, Supervisors and others in positions of authority should seek to ensure that the Gender Equality Policy is upheld in their areas. 

Each member of staff is expected to abide by all applicable laws on this subject and to uphold NMI’s commitment to Gender Equality. 

Non-compliance with this policy may be considered a breach of policy and may be subject to the NMI’s disciplinary procedures. 


3. Strategic Implementation Plan 

The Human Resources Department will detail the specific ways in which the gender equality policy will be implemented in the following year and will include measurable objectives following on from consultation with the Director, Senior Management and feedback from employees. 



4. Communications 

Advertising and Marketing 

Advertising and marketing strategies will be non-discriminatory and will reflect NMI’s commitment to gender equality. 


5. Gender Equality in Employment 

The Gender Equality Policy applies to all employees of NMI. NMI employment practices and procedures will be reviewed regularly to ensure that they comply with this policy.  


5.1 Recruitment and Selection 

In relation to recruitment NMI will: 

  • Seek to recruit from as wide a talent pool as possible, and will proactively ensure that its recruitment activity is inclusive. 

  • Not discriminate directly or indirectly against any applicant or candidate to employment in relation to Gender. 

  • Select candidates on the basis of merit – ensuring the candidate with the talent, skills, competencies and experience most suited to the post is selected. 

  • Identify and remove any unnecessary barriers that might impede the application or selection of an eligible candidate, across all nine equality grounds. 

  • Develop inclusive recruitment practices that acknowledge the diversity of applicants and candidates to the museum. 

  • Ensure transparency of recruitment procedures. 


  • Ensure that job descriptions and advertisements do not directly or indirectly exclude any potential applicant or include any unnecessary requirements that would unfairly exclude an applicant in relation to the gender equality ground. 

  • Ensure that advertisements reach candidates across all genders (advertising in a variety of media for example). 


  • Provide training in equality and diversity (as well as recruitment skills) to all members of Interview panels.  

  • Use an agreed and objective system of rating candidates (by experience, skill, qualifications etc. as relevant). 


5.2 Training and Development  

In relation to training and development, NMI will: 

  • Ensure that every employee has equal access to training and development opportunities regardless of gender. 

  • Seek to ensure the programmes provided are inclusive and accommodate the diversity of staff. 

  • This policy will be accessible to all on the Staff Intranet, via line management and will feature in future Staff Induction Programmes. 


5.3 Progression 

In relation to progression, NMI will: 

  • Ensure that staff enjoy equal access to progression and promotional opportunities regardless of gender. 

  • Monitor promotional processes and outcomes regarding gender. 

  • Seek to remove any identified barriers to progression under the equality grounds and where appropriate implement measures to redress imbalances. 


5.4 Retention and Wellbeing 

In relation to retention and wellbeing, NMI will in so far as is possible: 

  • Seek to retain and develop talent in its diverse staff - both men and women. 

  • Provide equal access to work-life balance practices and benefits as appropriate. 

  • Provide access to all employees to the NMI Employee Assistance Programme. 

  • Provide regular information to employees about benefits and entitlements through the Human Resource Department and Staff Handbook. 

  • Give consideration throughout all industrial relations matters (grievances, disciplinary matters etc.) to accommodating gender equality. 


6. Monitoring and Review, Feedback and Further Information 

6.1 Monitoring and review 

The implementation of the policy will be reviewed on a regular basis by the Human Resource Department and the policy will be updated on foot of this review, other legal developments, or advice from government bodies, at least every two years. 

NMI will develop systems to collect and examine information relating to gender equality in order to ensure service quality for all. Any such collection of data is conducted in compliance with NMIs obligations under Data Protection Legislation. 


6.2 Feedback 

NMI will actively seek feedback on the implementation of this policy from its employees. This feedback will inform future development and implementation of the policy. 

NMI welcomes feedback from its employees.  


6.3 Queries and Complaints 

If you would like to raise an issue regarding the implementation of the Gender Equality Policy, or other gender equality matters, please contact  the Human Resources Department who will log your query/complaint and either liaise with you directly or arrange for you to liaise with the relevant manager, as appropriate. You may be directed to other existing complaints procedures. 

Please note that broad, non-identifying details of your query/complaint and its outcome may be recorded for monitoring purposes. This will help NMI continue to improve its policies and service provision. 


  1.        Appendices – Other Policies 


Other NMI policies that may be used in conjunction with the Gender Policy. 

  • Dignity at Work 

  • Grievance Procedure 

  • Disciplinary Policy and Procedure 

  • Policy on Dealing with Historical Complaints 


Policy Implementation Plan 

Policy Name: Gender Equality Policy 

Policy Number: 1 

Date of Policy:  23.4.19 

New Policy: Yes/No Existing Policy: Yes/No 



Distribution Method 






Line Management 



Management committee 



Board of Directors 






Training Event 



Hard copy in Folder 

Not yet 


Staff Handbook 

Not yet 


Staff Notice board 

Not yet 












Will training be provided on this Policy: Yes/No 

Training Method 



Planned training event 



Incorporated into a training event 






One to One Training 







Description of Training Event: 

To be incorporate with Diversity and Equality Training event, planned Q1/2 in 2019 


Training Date: May 2019 


Implementation Plan Responsibility: Head of HR 


Directors Signature:_____________Lynn Scarff_____________________ Date:___20/1/19_______________   


View a pdf version of this policy


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