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Post Primary Schools

Students gather around facilitator who is holding a skull

Capture the imagination of your students, make learning fun, and discover what your class can learn from the Museum.

Our resources, activities and sessions are:

  • Linked to the national curriculum for Post-Primary
  • Designed by our experienced Education Team and created to enable your students to expand their knowledge, gain deeper understanding, and develop new skills
  • Created for teachers and students to engage with the extensive collections of the National Museum of Ireland
  • All resources, activities, and sessions are free of charge

Use our online Educational Learning Resources to virtually explore the collection at the Museum

Choose a topic below to discover in-classroom activities and resources to bring the Museum to your students.
We are developing new resources for schools. These pages will be regularly updated with more resources, activities, and information for students and teachers as they become available.

For More Information

If you have any further queries about any of the Education Department’s resources contact our Bookings Office at

Please regularly check the website for updated information on Museum opening hours. 

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Merrion Street

Natural History,
Merrion Street,
Dublin 2,
D02 F627

+353 1 677 7444