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Activity: The Birdsong Challenge

Image Credit: Paul Sherwood

Take Part in our Birdsong Challenge

Join us in learning the songs of Ireland's most common garden birds.

Recognising birdsong is an important skill if you want to find and see birds in the wild. Often, birds are very good at 'camouflage' or hiding in the places where they live. Ornithologists, the people who study birds, often have to use the birds' songs in order to find them. ​

You can find short videos about each bird below. Watch the videos, learn to recognise the songs, and see if you can listen out for them on your next outdoor adventure! How many can you find?

If you have any feedback let us know at! Alternatively, you can tell us how you did by contacting us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – or share it yourself, just remember to use the hashtag #MuseumAtHome.

Birdsong Video 1: Robin

Robins are small garden and woodland birds. The orange-red face and chest stands out. They are fiercely territorial birds, with both males and females defending their own zones! Robins protect their territories all year round, which is why you will still be able to hear them singing in the winter months when other birds are quieter!



Birdsong Video 2: Blackbird

The blackbird is common in gardens and woods, and is between the robin and pigeon in size. The male is black with a bright yellow beak, and the female is brown to help her camouflage while sitting on the nest.



Birdsong Video 3: Great Tit

The same size as a robin, the great tit is bright, bold and noisy. They have a black cap, big white cheek patches and black stripe down front. A thicker black stripe often indicates a more dominant, tougher bird!



Birdsong Video 4: Chaffinch

The chaffinch is slightly bigger than the robin. It is found in gardens, fields and woods. Look for two white bars across the wing and white sides to the tail. Their song is particularly distinctive - have a listen!



Birdsong Video 5: Blue Tit

The blue tit is a tiny green and yellow bird with blue wings and tail. Look for their bright blue cap edged with white. Common in gardens and woods. Don't let their size deceive you, these little birds can defend themselves very well when they need to!



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