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Points of interest in the gardens

Discover the leafy 18th century parkland, Victorian gardens and woodland of Turlough Park, just outside Castlebar in Co Mayo. Here are our top points of interest to see.

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The glass house

The original glass house was built between 1874 and 1875. It was destroyed by a violent storm in the 1930s but rebuilt by Mayo County Council in 2000. Today it houses a variety of hothouse flowers and serves as a central focal point for the gardens.

The Vinery

The Fitzgeralds would have grown grapes and other fruits in the vinery next to the stable block, which was heated by a cast-iron boiler. The vinery was probably built by Richard Turner Engineers and is contemporary with the house.

The gate lodge

The impressive gates at the entrance are original to the 1865 house. Once inside, visitors can see the gate lodge where the estate's gatekeeper lived. Today, the building serves as an office.

River, lake and islands

Originally the site of a 'turlough' or temporary winter lake, the man-made lake and three islands, known as 'picnic islands', were created in 1865 by damming the nearby Castlebar River. The lake and islands enhanced the landscape of the house and were likely also quite useful for attracting and hunting wild fowl.


The woodlands feature several tree species including beech, oak, chestnut, holly and sycamore. While some of the trees were planted by George Robert the 'Fighting Fitzgerald' in the 1700s, many were planted by Charles Lionel Fitzgerald to enhance the landscape of the 1865 house.

Veteran tree

The oldest tree in Turlough Park is located behind the exhibition galleries and believed to have been planted by George Robert the 'Fighting Fitzgerald' in the mid-18th century. This tree has special 'Veteran' status due to its size, condition, ecological and heritage value in the landscape.


A feature contemporary with the 1865 house, the terraces were constructed using soil excavated to create the manmade lake in front. Four terraces descend to the lake, interconnected by three flights of limestone steps.

The bridge

Just inside the entrance to Turlough Park is a three arch, limestone bridge over the Castlebar River. The bridge dates to 1722 in line with the development of the original Turlough House but the bridge was upgraded in the 19th century. There is a fine view from the bridge down the river to the nearby Turlough Lodge.

Outdoor artworks

Visitors can see several permanent art pieces as well as a changing programme of temporary art installations in the grounds. 'Counsellor II' was created by the prominent Mayo artist and educator Brother Joseph McNally.

Formal flower beds

The formal bedding on the lawn in front of the glass house is an original feature of the Victorian garden. Today, this bedding is managed and maintained by the groundskeeper of Turlough Park.

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Turlough Park

Turlough Park,
Co. Mayo,
F23 HY31

+353 94 903 1755