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Memory Book

Record your personal memories and stories related to the museum objects and exhibitions.

The National Museum of Ireland - Country Life has launched a Memory Book Project encouraging visitors to record personal memories and stories related to the objects and exhibitions they encounter while visiting the Museum.

Many visitors to the Museum have direct knowledge, through their own life experience, of the objects and themes that are on exhibition. In order to capture this more detailed, personalised information, a specific Memory Book has been created in which visitors can record their own stories.

Once gathered, the Memory Book stories will be archived and information from them used to help inform future Museum projects. Recalling and recording personal stories and memories in this way can enhance the public’s sense of ownership of this Museum.

If you have been to the NMI - Country Life and would like to record a story or memory in the Memory Book please download the form and return to us. If you haven’t been to the Museum yet, we would still like to hear your memories relating to Irish country life.

Memory Book Forms  (0.97 MB, Adobe PDF)

Return to: National Museum of Ireland - Country Life, Turlough Park, Co. Mayo.

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Turlough Park

Turlough Park,
Co. Mayo,
F23 HY31

+353 94 903 1755