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National Costumes from the Republic of Moldova and Romania

Admission free

The National Museum of Ireland - Country Life is delighted to host a colourful exhibition of 15 traditional costumes from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, on display in Turlough Park House from Monday, 3 April.

The exhibition has been developed by the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to Ireland in celebration of the recent inclusion of this type of intricate folk costume on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The traditional blouse with altiță (embroidery on the shoulder) is an important element of cultural identity for the Republic of Moldova and Romania. 

The entry on the UNESCO Representative List describes the folk costume:

The art of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder (called altiță) is an essential part of Romanian and Moldovan folk dress for men and women. It juxtaposes a simple cut with rich and colourful ornamentations that are stitched using complex sewing techniques. The blouses are white and made of natural fibres (flax, cotton, hemp or floss silk), and the complex stitch combines horizontal, vertical and diagonal seams that result in a specific pattern and texture.

The styles and techniques vary according to the region and the wearer’s age, as well as to the skills of the women who create the blouses. The motifs and ornamentation are also varied: from geometric and stylised registers to organic shapes, and from sombre to vivid colours."
- © Valeru Ciurea, 2018, UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage,

The Republic of Moldova and Romania, which share a common cultural and linguistic identity, submitted a successful joint proposal to include elements of the art of the traditional blouse with embroidery onto the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

This exhibition of 15 national costumes is organised as part of the actions to promote this emblematic garment.


National Costumes from the Republic of Moldova and Romania is located at:
Turlough Park,
Co. Mayo
F23 HY31

See a display of 15 traditional costumes from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, to celebrate the recent inclusion of these emblematic blouses and embroidery in the UNESCO List of intangible cultural heritage.

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Turlough Park

Turlough Park,
Co. Mayo,
F23 HY31

+353 94 903 1755