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Housing in the Last 100 Years

Learn how people built their homes long ago and what materials they used. What was it like to live in a thatch cottage? Compare the houses of the rich and the poor. Which one would you choose to live in?

Level: All levels
Group size: 15
Duration: 60 minutes
Location: House Building Project, Turlough Park House, Museum Galleries (Level B Housing)
Curriculum links: SESE History: Working as an historian; Life, society, work and culture in the past; Continuity and change over time. Geography: Human environments, settlement homes and other buildings; Buildings, sites or ruins in my locality
Learning Outcomes: The aim of this workshop is to discuss different types of housing looking at methods, styles and structures of housing through guided exploration.
Teaching Methods: Questioning; Transmission; Hands on Discovery
Resources and Suggestions: Pre-visit: Study of the Natural & Built Environment. Post-visit: Further investigation of vernacular buildings in their own locality

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Country Life

Turlough Park,
Co. Mayo,
F23 HY31

+353 94 903 1755