Learn all about the Vikings and the role of Science in Archaeology through these newly created videos by the Education and Outreach Department at the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology, and in partnership with the Midlands Science.
There are four videos in total. One video about the Museum, archaeology and the use of science in archaeology, another is all about the Museum’s collection and the Vikings in Ireland, and a third is about the Vikings expansion and activity in the Midlands in Ireland. The fourth video is a word game, in which you must figure out the missing letters to each of the names of the replica Viking artefacts.
These videos were created for 3rd to 6th class Primary pupils and are curriculum linked to the SESE History, SESE Geography and SESE Science Curricula. These videos use the unique Viking collection at the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology and were recorded in the Museum's Viking Ireland exhibition. Each of the videos also have subtitles in English and Irish.
These videos feature and were created by Museum Educators from the Education and Outreach Department at the National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology and were created in partnership with Midlands Science and the Heritage Offices at Laois, Westmeath, Longford and Offaly.
Activity at a Glance
Level: 3rd to 6th Class
Format: Classroom activity – online videos and video activity
Duration: Four videos; each between 4-6 minutes in length
Availability: Online through the Museum’s website and YouTube channel
Curriculum links: SESE History, Geography and Science
Viking Video 1: The Museum, Archaeology and Science
Learn about the Museum, archaeology, science and the role of science in archaeology. This video introduces the Museum and the range of artefacts that are on display from the Stone Age to Medieval Ireland. It highlights the function of the Museum in researching, preserving and presenting the history of Ireland. The role of archaeology is also discussed, as well as how science is used by archaeologists to understand the past.
Viking Video 2: The Vikings in Ireland
This video provides an overview of the Vikings in Ireland. It demonstrates how the Vikings first travelled from Scandinavia using longships. It explores the initial arrival of the Vikings and the raids that occurred at monastic sites and their subsequent settlement in Ireland, particularly around the coast. This is presented through the artefacts that are on display at the Museum and on known archaeological excavations and sites.
Viking Video 3: The Vikings in the Midlands
This video explores in more detail the impact that the Vikings had on the Midlands in Ireland, with particular reference to the counties of Laois, Westmeath, Longford and Offaly. This video shows how the Vikings travelled into the Midlands by using the river systems, the monuments they created in the form of longphorts, and other known activity they had in the area such as hoarding silver objects.
Viking Video 4: Viking Word Game - Find the Missing Letters
Have you watched our videos about the Vikings? If so, play our game, and see if you can fill in the missing letters for each of these replica artefacts. There are 12 objects in total. Each word, with some letters missing, will appear on screen for 10 seconds. If you need more time, please pause the video. At the end of each clip, the missing letters will appear! To help you, download and print out our Viking Challenage activity sheet (pages 4 and 5) to fill in the missing letters.
Cluiche Focal na Lochlannach - Faigh na Litreacha ar Iarraidh
An bhfaca tú ár bhfíseáin faoi na Lochlannaigh? Más ea, imir ár gcluiche, agus féach an féidir leat na litreacha atá in easnamh a líonadh isteach do gach ceann de na macasamhail seo déantúsáin. Tá 12 réad san iomlán. Beidh gach focal, agus roinnt litreacha in easnamh air, le feiceáil ar an scáileán ar feadh 10 soicind. Má theastaíonn níos mó ama uait, stad an físeán le do thoil. Ag deireadh gach gearrthóg, an ceann atá ar iarraidh beidh litreacha le feiceáil! Le cuidiú leat, déan ár mbileog gníomhaíochta a íoslódáil agus a phriontáil chun na litreacha atá in easnamh a líonadh.