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Resource: The Climate Crisis and Archaeology: Lecture Series

Clareabbey, Co. Clare. © Government of Ireland National Monuments Service Photographic Unit
The content within these lectures allows for a unique and stimulating approach to the wider overarching study of climate change.

As part of the Transition Year programme the series provides an exciting opportunity to study the impacts of climate change on the historic environment with input from leading authorities giving a unique perspective on local and global environmental issues.

This series discusses key issues of conservation and sustainability which promotes both wider study and in depth analysis for transition year students. While these lectures can be studied in Transition Year, there are strong links to the Leaving Certificate Geography Curriculum, providing a solid fountain for learning and understanding around the impact of climate change for those taking geography into the senior cycle.

This lecture series was developed by Dr Nessa O’Connor, Assistant Keeper and archaeologist in the Irish Antiquities Division of the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology and Siobhán Pierce, Education and Outreach Officer and organised by the Education and Outreach Department.

Curriculum Links

Aim - To provide students, through their study of geography, with an interesting and enjoyable experience and encourage in them a lifelong love of their natural and cultural environment.

Objectives - From this syllabus, students should acquire knowledge and develop an understanding, from a local, national and international perspective of: • Physical and environmental phenomena and processes. • Social, cultural, and economic phenomena and processes

For similar content aimed at a Post Primary Audience, why not explore the NMI - Natural History's series of talks on What Are Scientific Collections?

Lecture 1:
Climate Change: what it means for our built and archaeological heritage

The first talk in this series provides an overview of the impacts climate change is having on our cultural heritage and the actions the State is taking to address these challenges. It also provides insight into some of the work carried out by the Irish Government and the Climate Change Advisory Group for Built & Archaeological Heritage. (46:30 minutes)
Jacqui Donnelly, Senior Architect, Built Heritage Policy, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and Pauline Gleeson, Senior Archaeologist in the National Monuments Service.

Lecture 2:
Can the past adapt to an uncertain future?

This lecture looks at global and local case studies and hidden opportunities in responding to and managing the effects of climate change on archaeological landscapes and monuments.
(51:56 minutes)
Dr Cathy Daly, Senior Lecturer in the School of History & Heritage at the University of Lincoln.


Lecture 3:
Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Archaeological Sites in County Kerry

The third lecture in the series focuses on a case study of Co. Kerry and discusses how the State is addressing the impacts of climate change on three major archaeological sites in the region, including the UNESCO world heritage site of Skellig Michael. (56:18 minutes)

Fergus McCormick, Senior Architect in the Monuments Section of the Office of Public Works.


Lecture 4:
The CHERISH project; Understanding climate change impacts on our coastal cultural heritage

The final talk in this climate change series explores the contribution of the CHERISH Project and their work, surveying and recording cultural heritage in order to map cultural heritage sites in the coastal and marine zone, and to measure the rates of climate induced change and further archaeological research. (51:01 minutes)
Sandra Henry, the lead Research Archaeologist for the CHERISH project with The Discovery Programme.


Teachers Notes

For more information about this lecture series and links to the Leaving Certificate Geography Curriculum please see Transition Year Climate Change Series Teachers Notes.


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