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Guided Tour: The Work of the Archaeologist

Replica Viking handling collection

Explore the work of the Archaeologist through the artefacts of Viking Ireland

This tour, for Junior Cycle and Transition Year History, will focus on the work of the archaeologist and the discipline of archaeology, through the lens of the Vikings in Ireland. This tour will support students in acquiring historical skills, conceptual understanding, and historical consciousness, as part of their curriculum requirements. Students will learn about the role of the National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology and how archaeologists study the past, through artefacts within the Museum's collection. During this tour, students will get the opportunity to engage with the Museum’s teaching collection and explore how archaeology helps us understand the past.

Guided Tour at a glance

Level: Junior Cycle and Transition Year
Format: Facilitated onsite tour 
Duration: 45-50 minutes 
Accessibility: Please note the majority of this tour takes place in the Viking Ireland Exhibition on the first floor. If your group has any access concerns or requirements please advise the Museum Bookings team in advance
Capacity: 30 students max 
Weekly Times: Tuesday 10am and 11:30am, Wednesday 10am, 11am and 12pm, Thursday 10:30am, 11.30am and 12:30pm.

Availability: Sessions availible to book before Easter. Summer term booking opening after February midterm.
Tuesdays 10am - Fully Booked
Tuesdays 11:30am - Fully Booked
Wednesdays 10am - Fully Booked
Wednesdays 11am - Fully Booked
Wednesdays 12pm - 2 Slots remaining
Thursdays 10:30am - Fully Booked
Thursdays 11.30am - Fully Booked
Thursdays 12:30pm - 5 Slots remaining.

Booking: To enquire about this free onsite guided tour for your class please complete this enquiry form.

Curriculum Links 

Junior Cycle

Strand 1: The nature of history

  • Element: Working with evidence

    This element relates to the fundamental role of evidence in enabling students to understand the past. Students explore the nature of source and evidence and make judgements about the usefulness and limitations of different types of evidence.

  • Element: Acquiring the ‘big picture

    The ‘big picture’ also allows for students to deepen their chronological understanding and to appreciate how history is characterised by ‘eras’ or ‘ages’ of change.

Strand 2 &3 Elements: Applying historical thinking

  • This element allows students to critically apply their understanding and knowledge to different historical enquiries. Connections between people, events and places in the past / Application of research skills / Ideas around democracy, human rights, equality, peace and justice / Sense of historical empathy in exploring people in the past / Local, personal or family history / Identifying patterns or trends of change over time / Concepts such as culture and civilisation and power and authority

Transition Year

  • Teaching methods and approaches
    Study visits and field trips

Learning Outcomes

  • Working with evidence - investigate the job of the historian, including how s/he finds and uses evidence to form historical judgements which may be revised and reinterpreted in the light of new evidence
  • Working with evidence - debate the usefulness and limitations of different types of primary and secondary sources of historical evidence, such as written, visual, aural, oral and tactile evidence; and appreciate the contribution of archaeology and new technology to historical enquiry
  • Developing historical consciousness - demonstrate awareness of historical concepts, such as source and evidence; fact and opinion; viewpoint and objectivity; cause and consequence; change and continuity; time and space
  • Acquiring the ‘big picture’ - demonstrate chronological awareness by creating and maintaining timelines to locate personalities, issues and events in their appropriate historical eras

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