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Potatoe and cheese pierogi (pierogi ruskie)

Compiled by Dorota and Dominik Denysiewicz

Potato and cheese pierogi are one of the most popular Polish dishes. The filling is very simple. It consists only of three ingredients. It is the comfort food of every Pole but pierogi are also loved by tourists visiting Poland.


250 ml water
1\2 teaspoon salt
500 g flour
50mg butter
Potato and cheese filling
Potatoes – it is best to use mealy potatoes, that can easily be mashed into a puree
Cheese –full-fat Polish twaróg cheese. Farmer’s cheese can be used as a substitute
Sauteed onions – lightly caramelized sweet onions add a ton of flavor to the filling
Salt and black pepper


Start by boiling the potatoes.  Drain and mash them well.  Set aside to cool.
Fry the onion in a little oil until softened.Leave to cool.
 Combine with the mashed potato, cheese and seasoning.
Use a potato masher for a smoother finish.


To make the dough, place the flour, salt and butter on top of your work surface and start combining using a large knife, cutting through the mixture and gradually adding the water into the middle and gathering up the mixture with the knife to prevent the water from escaping.
When all of the water has been added and the dough comes together, continue kneading for six more minutes until silky smooth and soft. If it sticks to your hands, add a bit of flour (no more than 1 tsp) and knead in. Cover with a bowl or wrap in cling film and set aside for 20 minutes.


Roll the dough out very thin. Cut into round circles using a glass . Add a spoonfull of the filling to the center of each circle. Fold the dough around the filling, sealing the edges, creating a half circle or crescent shape.

When all of the pierogi are filled, bring a large pot of salt water to a boil and cook for a few minutes.

Serve with sauteed onions.

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