Michael O’Sullivan – Non-Board member of the NMI Board’s Audit & Risk Committee (May-2018-present)
Michael O'Sullivan graduated from University College Cork (UCC) with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1980. Following his graduation he joined Coopers & Lybrand (now PWC) in Cork as a trainee chartered accountant. When he completed the Institute of Chartered Accountants examinations he transferred to the C&L office in London where he worked as an auditor and management consultant. While in the UK he also worked as the Financial Controller of KeyMed Limited. A supplier of specialist medical and inspection equipment, now part of the Olympus Group.
He returned to Ireland to join the National Microelectronics Research Centre (now the Tyndall National Institute) as Assistant Director. In 1999 he was appointed to the post of Vice-President for Planning, Communications & Development at UCC. After 10 years as Vice-President in UCC he retired in 2009.
An experienced board member and chairman, since 2009 Michael has worked as a consultant. In this capacity he has carried out projects covering a broad range of areas. These include strategy development and implementation, reviews of corporate governance, the development of best practice management information systems, philanthropic fundraising strategy, project evaluation and organisational restructuring.
He was appointed to the NMI Audit & Risk Committee in 2018.
Prof Dáibhí Ó Cróinín - Non-Board member of the NMI’s General Public Advisory Committee (December 2018-present)
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín studied at University College Dublin, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and as a Research Scholar in the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. He lectured at the National University of Ireland, Galway (formerly UCG) from 1980 until his retirement in 2019.
Among his numerous publications are The Irish Sex Aetates Mundi (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1983), Cummian’s Letter ‘De controversia paschali’, together with a related Irish computistical tract ‘De ratione conputandi’ (Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto 1988) [with Maura Walsh]; Evangeliarium Epternacense (Universitätsbibl. Augsburg, Cod. I.2.4o 2 (Munich 1988); Psalterium Salabergae, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz — MS. Hamilton 553 (Munich 1994); Early Medieval Ireland, 400-1200 (London 1995); The Songs of Elizabeth Cronin, Traditional Irish Singer (Dublin 2000); Early Irish History & Chronology (Dublin 2004); vol. 1 of the Royal Irish Academy’s New History of Ireland, prehistoric & early medieval (Oxford 2005), and, most recently, Whitley Stokes (1830-1909) — the lost Celtic notebooks rediscovered (Dublin 2011). He has also published numerous articles in learned journals in several countries and languages.
He translated Bernhard Bischoff, Lateinische Paläographie des römischen Altertums und des lateinischen Mittelalters [= Latin Palaeography, Antiquity & the Middle Ages (Cambridge 1990) [with David Ganz], and was responsible for the revised illustrated ed. of Carlo Collodi, Eachtra Phinocchio [transl. by Pádraig Ó Buachalla (Dublin 1933)] (Cúil Aodha 2003). He is the author also of the Irish-language novel An Cúigiú Díochlaonadh (Indreabhán 1990).
He was Co-Editor (with Prof. Donnchadh Ó Corráin, UCC, + Oct. 2018) of Peritia, Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland (of which 29 volumes have been published to date; vol. 29 [2018] has just appeared) since its inception in1982 and since 2015 he has been Chief-Editor (with Elva Johnston, UCD). He is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy & the Irish Manuscripts Commission, and Chairman of a number of RIA committees.
In 2005 he was awarded a substantial research grant (€1.95 million) in the 3rd round of the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions [PRTLI], which funded a 5-year project under the umbrella title Foundations of Irish Culture, based in NUI Galway (see www.foundationsirishculture.ie). The project includes a complete survey of all the books & manuscripts written by Irishmen in the period AD 600-850 still surviving on the continent and a 3D database of all the inscribed stones preserved at the Early Irish monastic site of Clonmacnois (http://www.nuigalway.ie/irish-inscribed-stones/).
He retired from NUI Galway in August 2019.

Dr Richard McElligott – Non-Board member of the NMI Board’s General Public Advisory Committee (January 2021-present)
Dr Richard McElligott is a native of North Kerry and is lecturer in Modern and Irish History in the Department of Business and Humanities at Dundalk IT. Richard was awarded his PhD from University College Dublin in 2012 for his thesis on the political, social and cultural impact of the GAA on Irish society between 1884-1934. Since then, he has published widely on topics ranging from the Gaelic Revival, the history of Irish sport, the Irish Revolutionary era, the history of Irish childhood, Irish associational culture and the history of women and children in Church and State-run institutions.
Prior to his appointment in Dundalk IT, Richard worked for four years as a senior historical researcher to the Irish Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation. He is currently a member of the GAA’s Historical Committee and is also on the board of the Irish Museum of Childhood project. Between 2017-18 Richard served as an expert curator for RTÉ’s National Treasures project. As part of the role, he oversaw the selection of a range of objects for an exhibition on the social history of Ireland since 1918 for the National Museum of Ireland: Country Life. Richard is currently working on a project to explore the impact and legacy of the Civil War on Irish society.

Paul Nolan - Non-Board member of theNMI Board's Capital & Estates Committee (2021 - present)
Paul Nolan is the Senior Director in Nolan Construction Consultants, Chartered Quantity Surveyors and Construction Cost Managers. Educated at Mungret College SJ, Limerick. He attended Bolton Street College of Technology and graduated with a Degree in Construction Economics in 1971.
Having worked with a large national firm of Chartered Quantity Surveyors, he set up his own practise in Waterford in 1986. The firm grew to five offices, in Waterford, Kilkenny, Dublin, Cork and Limerick and provided professional cost management and project management, services for national and international projects. In 2006, the firm was sold to an English Pie company and Paul retired in 2008.
Paul has served on many boards throughout his career including being a Director of Kilkenny Design Workshops and the Society of Chartered Quantity Surveyors of Ireland.
His interest in sport and sports administration led him to be President of the Munster Council of the ILTA, Council Member of the Irish Lawn Tennis Association; President of St. Anne's Waterford Tennis Club; President of Waterford RFC and Captain of Faithlegg Golf Club. Retirement not having suited Paul he now assists as a Director of Nolan Construction Consultants on a regular basis as a Consultant advising on all cost management and construction legal contractual issues. Paul also gives helpful advice on a pro bono basis to Voluntary Bodies considering construction projects in Waterford.